Receipt hopper emissions control system Installed by Ingemol.s.a. for Argos

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Installation of 1 Argos filter at Haiti plant

 flow rate: 16,170 m³/h

Receipt hopper emissions control system Installed by Ingemol.s.a. for Argos

Argos clinker receipt hopper – Zona Franca plant

Installation of 1 filter flow rate: 16,800 m³/h

Receipt hopper emissions control system Installed by Ingemol.s.a. for Argos

Argos cement coal receipt hopper – Zona Franca plant

installation of 1 filter flow rate: 11,880 m³/h

Receipt hopper emissions control system Installed by Ingemol.s.a. for Argos

Argos clinker receipt hopper – Barranquilla Zone plant

Installation of 1 filter flow rate: 11,160 m³/h

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