Integrated management system

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Integrated management system


Last modification date: March 14, 2024

For the company INGEMOL.S.A., dedicated to the manufacture of other types of machinery and equipment for special use (providing environmental solutions for the control of atmospheric emissions); It is of vital importance to promote and guarantee the care of its workers, the environment and guarantee the care of its workers, the environment and the quality of the products and services it offers, in order to ensure sustainable development and achieve satisfaction. of its interested parties. For this reason, the company is committed, from the highest level of the organization, to:


  1. Have competent personnel to search for continuous improvement of the Integrated Management Syste.
  2. Allocate the human, technical, physical and financial resources necessary for the development of processes and achievement of objectives.
  3. Comply with current applicable national regulations and other requirements that the organization has subscribed to regarding SGl.
  4. Identify hazards, evaluate and assess risks, establish and implement controls, preventing incidents, accidents, road accidents, occupational diseases, damage to the environment, damage to property.
  5. Address the risks and opportunities that ensure the sustainability of the company.
  6. Actively participate in the functioning of the committees: COPASST, (Labor Coexistence Committee) COCOLA, Emergency Committee (COE).
  7. Promote social responsibility through actions that ensure sustainable growth framed in respect for human rights.
  8. Guarantee the rights of workers to be disconnected from work, through the procedure that determines the mechanisms and means, so that workers can file complaints about the violation of this right.
  9. Guarantee work environments free of any type of discrimination.
  10. Prohibit the hiring of minors and all types of forced labor


Last modification date: March 19, 2024

INGEMOL SA seeks to promote a better quality of life for workers, their families, suppliers, contractors and other interest groups, allowing them to achieve high standards of safety, health at work, environment and productivity; By promoting healthy lifestyles and healthy work environments, complying with current legal regulations aligned with the comprehensive policy of Prevention and Care of the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances, the requirements of our clients and being aware of the adverse effects, prohibits:

➢ Working under the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances, in the execution of tasks or tasks derived from the employment contract as a representative of the company and in vehicles assigned for their work.

➢ Present themselves to perform their activities, functions and/or tasks under the effect of psychoactive substances, including alcoholic beverages, energizers or others that affect the proper functioning of work performance.

➢ That workers, suppliers, contractors and visitors possess, distribute, sell alcohol or psychoactive substances in the company's facilities or in the places where the company provides its services.


➢ Awareness-raising, control and training activities for workers, which seek to create healthy habits and lifestyles.

Workers must have responsible and participatory behavior in awareness-raising actions that promote compliance with this policy.


Last modification date: December 27, 2023

INGEMOL S.A promotes, supports, respects and contributes to the protection of the human rights that all its workers have in an environment free of all forms of discrimination or conduct that may be considered workplace harassment or forced labor, and fully supports the ten principles. of the United Nations Global Compact on Human Rights and Labor Standards, maintaining an example of good practices in all of the company's activities;

➢ It has a work coexistence committee.

➢ Train staff on topics that strengthen relationships.

➢ Has means of communication to express possible breaches of this policy (Suggestion boxes, emails and reports)

➢ Works against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

➢ Ensure equality and protection of the right to work.

➢ Avoid discriminatory practices in the selection, entry and permanence processes of workers.

➢ The employer's duty to protect the right to privacy and privacy in relation to.

➢ Guarantee work environments free of any type of discrimination among workers based on sex, race, nationality, religion, or

People who believe they have been subject to discrimination, extortion or bribery must immediately report it to their boss through the available means of communication. These complaints will be investigated and resolved by handling them confidentially.


Last modification date: March 19, 2024

At INGEMOL S. A. We focus our efforts on preventing traffic accidents and injuries that may affect our human talent, environment and other interested parties, which is why we adopt the following measures

Implement and Manage the strategic Road Safety plan (PESV)

Allocate the financial, human and technical resources necessary to comply with the (PESV)

Comply with the established regulations applicable and in force in the National Traffic Code, which is framed in principles of safety, preservation of a healthy environment and the protection of public and private space

Identify hazards, evaluate and assess road risks with the relevant control measures to encourage the adoption of best practices by road actors.

Ensure drivers are trained and competent to operate a vehicle safely.

Establish self-care and common sense strategies through training aimed at preventing traffic accidents and respect for other road actors and especially vulnerable road actors.

Ensure that preventive and corrective maintenance is carried out on own and/or contracted vehicles, with the aim of maintaining optimal performance and avoiding road accidents.

Commitment to continuous improvement of the Strategic Road Safety Plan (PESV)

All road actors of the company are responsible for the application of this policy.


Last modification date: 24-May-2024

INGEMOL S.A. recognizes the fundamental importance of independent and democratic workers' self-elected organisations, in achieving sustainable improvements and fostering an open and positive attitude towards unions and collective bargaining because they are the essential elements of all mature industrial relations systems.


1) INGEMOL S.A recognizes the right of all workers, without distinction, to form and join unions of their choice and collective bargaining (ILO Conventions 87 and 98)

2) INGEMOL SA does not tolerate intimidation, retaliation or discrimination of any kind against members. or union representatives or those who advocate membership in a union.

3) INGEMOL S.A adopts an open attitude towards the activities of unions and their organizational activities, and recognizes worker unions as partners for the purpose of: collective bargaining.

4) Workers' representatives must have access to all workplaces necessary to carry out their representative functions. (ILO Convention 135 and Recommendation 143).

5) INGEMOL SA will not do anything to prohibit or discourage workers from forming or joining independent organizations and attempting to negotiate their terms and conditions of employment. We allow union representatives to carry out their activities, including meetings with and of their members, without interference.

6) When the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted by law, THE COMPANY facilitates, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means of independent and free association and negotiation. This may include facilitating free choice for workers to elect their own workplace representatives.


THE COMPANY monitors the application of this policy in all our operations, to identify areas in which the right to exercise freedom of association may be in danger and to take measures to support these rights.

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Contact INGEMOL S.A.
Bogota, Colombia
(+57) 320 4956999
Sogamoso, Colombia
(+57) 320 8483515
Tell:• (+57)608 773 8518
Siachoque, Colombia
(+57) 320 4956999

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