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INGEMOL S.A. has been at the service of companies that through the production of machinery for the control of pollutant emissions in the steel industry, in the sectors of scrap cutting and furnaces. Contributing to the efficiency in the manufacture of steel products.

Our projects executed with steelworks

Electric furnace gas scrubber - Acerias Paz Del Río

Ladle furnace gas scrubber - Acerias Paz Del Río

Gas scrubber for scrap cutting - Gerdau Diaco

Oven emission control - Casa De La Moneda

Sinter purification a-182 - Acerias Paz Del Río

Sinter purification b-182 - Acerias Paz Del Río

Calcination - Acerias Paz Del Río

Engineering new gas scrubber tower - Acerias Paz Del Río

Inlet and outlet connections for new gas scrubber tower - Acerias Paz Del Río

Conceptual, basic and detailed engineering, converter emission control - Acerias Paz Del Río

Emissions control - Pamcol

Smoke scrubber ducts - Gerdau Diaco

Emission control filters furnaces 1 and 2 - Tecnoglass

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Do you want more information?

Contact INGEMOL S.A.
Bogota, Colombia
(+57) 320 4956999
Sogamoso, Colombia
(+57) 320 8483515
Tell:• (+57)608 773 8518
Siachoque, Colombia
(+57) 320 4956999

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